The term quality is somewhat intangible in its definition since it will mean different things to different people or even different companies involved in the manufacture or use of the textile item. One way to assess quality is to determine its fitness for the end use for which the textile item is being made. For Technical Textiles the test is done to ensure proper performance standard for the goods. The product checked routinely by sampling and testing through various standard procedures through a process called quality control. A quality failure in anything from one of the subassemblies to the final fabric form could result product being classified as being a poor quality product. For this reason testing of each component at each stage of the manufacturing process is required in order to arrive at a high quality product, containing zero defects.
The materials used in technical textile products in particular may be in the form of fiber, yarn, fabric (woven, non-woven, knitted or braided) or in the form of composites. Evaluation of both raw materials and the final product is necessary for meeting the stringent quality requirements of a technical textile product.