Advanced technology for energy-efficiency and sophisticated processes at Techtextil 2024
Making processes more cost-effective, sustainable, transparent, and above all more efficient, is exactly the aim of using sensors and controls at textile processes. By this, textile producers are enabled to save large amounts of energy, improve product quality
and make even complex processes more traceable and reproducible. The right place to discuss those important aspects is the Techtextil 2024 in Frankfurt. At the upcoming exhibition which takes place from 23 to 26 April 2024, international exhibitors present trends and news textile technologies.
“Processes become more complex, customer requirements higher & well-trained staff scarce. Technologies as sensors & controls gain importance for efficient operation. Our new process control system PLEVATE pro is designed to meet exactly those needs. It enhances operation even at complex
production lines with different modules, enabling our customers traceablility and easy operation to save energy and improve the product quality”,