An iron and steel sector company’s first ESG rating is assigned

ESG ratings are given by CARE ESG Ratings Limited (CareEdge-ESG) to Ispat Limited and Godawari Power

The first ESG rating of an organisation in the iron and steel sector was given by CARE ESG Ratings Limited (CareEdge-ESG), a fully owned subsidiary of CARE Ratings Limited and an Issuer-pays ESG Rating Provider (ERP) registered with the Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI). Godawari Power and Ispat Limited (GPIL) received an EGS Rating from CareEdge-ESG.

A significant participant in India’s iron and steel sector, GPIL was founded in 1999. The firm serves a broad spectrum of industrial clients by specialising in the production of steel products such ferroalloys, billets, TMT bars, and sponge iron. GPIL has shown a dedication to community development and sustainability, emphasising encouraging social welfare, water positively, renewable energy, and pollution reduction projects for the neighbourhood. GPIL’s ESG score was 51.0, earning it a CareEdge-ESG 3 grade. Through modest disclosures, policies, and performance, the ESG grade shows that it has enough capacity to manage ESG risks. For a further explanation of GPIL’s ESG rating, please click the link.

The rating given to GPIL is indicative of its dedication to environmentally friendly methods in the production of iron and steel. In terms of lowering its carbon footprint, using more renewable energy, and encouraging worker safety and development, GPIL has achieved sufficient strides in its ESG journey. GPIL has shown performance that is superior than the industry median in terms of adopting renewable energy, reducing emissions, and prioritising employee welfare. The firm is well-positioned to move towards more sustainable operations thanks to its strategic emphasis on improving energy efficiency, integrating low-carbon technology, and diversifying its energy mix.

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