Arvis LLC (Tajikistan) joins ITMF as Corporate Member

Arvis LLC is a vertically integrated textile company specializing in the production of terry products. The company covers the textile market in the Republic of Tajikistan with the objective to gradually expand to foreign markets as well.



Mr. Christian Schindler, Director General of ITMF, stated that “by becoming a Corporate Member of the Federation, Arvis LLC is becoming an integral part of a unique forum for the global textile value chain which ranges from fiber producers to producers of garments and home textiles including textile machinery and chemical companies. Tajikistan’s textile industry is currently focused on cotton textile products and the CIS-countries. By joining ITMF they are exposed to other fibers and other international markets. We are delighted that Arvis LLC has joined ITMF as this provide for the membership additional insights about the Central Asian textile industry.”



Mr. Vali Samiev, General Director of Arvis LLC, emphasized that “the main objective of becoming a Corporate Member of ITMF is to be informed constantly and automatically and to get involved in ITMF activities. Seeing and understanding the whole picture of the global textile industry is indispensable for an international oriented company. Connecting with other companies from different industry segments from around the world in a non-competitive environment is important to build trustful international networks.


For more information about Arvis LLC go to

For more information about ITMF go to and/or contact

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