Recent Post
January 7, 2023
INDUSTRY UPDATESJehong Medical to double its capacity in Bangladesh
January 7, 2023
INDUSTRY UPDATESIndia’s flexible packaging sector to grow by 5% in FY23: CRISIL
January 7, 2023
AGRICULTUREFrance’s Carbios aims to depolymerise 60 tons of PET in 2023
January 7, 2023
AGRICULTURETextile machinery manufacturers increase use of modern technology
January 7, 2023
INDUSTRY UPDATESAllot sufficient funds in budget to strengthen Telangana’s handlooms sector: KTR
January 7, 2023
INFRASTRUCTUREWSU researchers use disposable masks to make durable concrete
January 7, 2023
AUTOMOBILESSwitzerland’s Autoneum names Eelco Spoelder as new CEO
January 7, 2023
MEDICALSweden’s Essity recognised for sustainability in CDP’s A List
January 7, 2023
AGRICULTUREIISc. to be secretariat for Science 20, one of the groups of G20