Be a Green Hero (BGH) Campaign

Clean Recycling Initiative™ launches a new sustainability campaign to address one of the  biggest concerns facing us in terms of the environmental crisis: misinformation. In this  campaign, the organization asks the public to “Be a Green Hero” by properly educating  themselves with accurate information and spread it in order to stop the propagation of  misinformation.  

Montreal – February 20, 2024:  

The Montreal-based non-profit organization, Clean Recycling Initiative™, announced today the  launch of an important sustainability campaign, titled as “Be a Green Hero (BGH)”. The  campaign is designed to raise awareness on the dangers of wrongful claims, actions and  movements relating to some of the critical sustainability claims, actions and movements  currently made around the globe. With this goal, the BGH campaign comprises of important  action plans for educating the public with science-based information from all possible aspects.  The campaign will be kicked off with a webinar, titled as “Misinformation Crisis on  Sustainability and ESG” and it is scheduled on February 28th, 2024, at 2:00pm (EST) – webinar link available in this document

“The public is widely misunderstanding the important aspects of many sustainability claims. In  order to battle the environmental issues we face today in the most efficient and effective manner,  we must understand relevant scientific facts from all possible aspects to accurately evaluate  overall impacts”, says Sae Chang, President and CEO of Clean Recycling Initiative™ (NON PROFIT) and the inspiration behind the campaign. “In particular, I have witnessed many claims  and actions based on biased and inaccurate information with significant lack of expertise. I am  afraid that these actions can lead to grave consequences in so many different aspects of our  lives”, Sae continued. “What we are trying to achieve in this BGH campaign is in line with the  efforts my organization, Clean Recycling Initiative™ (NON-PROFIT), has been making through  the annual International Sustainability Marketing Competition (ISMC). That is to educate the  public with unbiased information and scientific facts from all possible angles to raise awareness  on the dangers of some of the activities under the name of sustainability”.

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