ERCA Textile Chemical Solutions is Born

The news is now official: in January 2024 ERCA Textile Chemical Solutions TCS comes to life as an independent company within the ERCA Group and completely dedicated to the textile industry.

The decision to make ERCA TCS a separate company stems from the desire to focus exclusively on solutions for the textile industry and to build an agile entity oriented towards responsible research and production, while continuing to leverage a solid productive and financial background from ERCA S.p.A.

Thanks to its agile company structure and to the enhancement of its research & development area, ERCA TCS will be able to grasp with an even more readiness customer needs and transform them in an “engaging dialogue” that will lead to truly “pioneering” developments, offering even more promptly innovative chemical solutions that adhere to the principles of ethical-social, environmental, and economic responsibility.

ERCA TCS aims to be the unique and innovative point of reference for textile companies in terms of products and services specifically designed for the needs of a sector that is currently facing challenges and opportunities related to sustainability and responsible production.

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