EUROPEAN INCITE PROJECT comes to an end after 52 months of collaborative work

The two chemo-enzymatic demo plants were commissioned in 2023

Launched in September 2019, the INCITE project ended in December 2023 after 52 months of collaborative work. The project aimed to demonstrate novel integrated upstream and downstream processing paths involving flow chemistry and membrane technology in chemo-enzymatic processes. These processes enable production efficiency and have positive outcomes on the environmental impact (up to 40% less CO2 emissions, reduction of energy consumption, etc.). The modularity and flexibility of the developed processes were showcased through two demonstration cases in real industrial settings:

  • The oleochemical demo plant inaugurated by Oleon on its production site in Oelegem, Belgium, in June 2023.
  • The agrochemical demo plant commissioned in September 2023, on Endura’s site in Ravenna, Italy.


In committing to INCITE, the partners had high expectations not only of the environmental performance of the processes implemented, but also of their efficiency. The Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA) carried out by Ghent University on the social, environmental, and economic performance of the products obtained confirms that the expectations of the partners were met. The economic and environmental aspects of the analyses were based on samples of 1 kg of the products (Isopropyl palmitate and Isoamyl laurate for Oleon and an agrochemical intermediate for ENDURA) obtained via INCITE processes, to evaluate their impacts from cradle-to-gate. Whereas the social aspect relied on a questionnaire addressed to the stakeholders of the project.


The oleochemical demo plant aims at the production of isopropyl palmitate, an emollient that is used in health and beauty formulations. Interested organizations can get free samples of high-quality isopropyl palmitate for testing in their current or future formulas. It is also possible to get enzymatically produced isoamyl laurate.

These esters, which are produced by an enzymatic process with lower reaction temperatures than conventional chemical reactions, can be characterized as a “green product” with the following advantages:

  • Higher purity
  • Lower odour score (less VOCs)
  • Lower environmental footprint

Are you interested? You can get a 250ml sample for free! Please send your request for a sample of enzymatic isopropyl palmitate and/or for enzymatic isoamyl laurate.


One key activity of the project was the development of a series of 10 online learning modules, which are accessible for free on an open platform. These modules were developed by Ghent University in collaboration with each partner. The subjects range from enzymatic production to Life Cycle Assessment in the chemical industry.

Furthermore, a series of webinars were offered with intertwined content to the learning modules. Each webinar related to a learning module and included a Q&A session. In spring 2023, 4 new sessions were recorded and made available on the INCITE YouTube.


From 11 to 12 December 2023, ENDURA hosted the final meeting of the INCITE project in its site, in Ravenna. The presentations focused on the achievements of every partner and the preparation of the project closure.

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