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21st Asia Coatings Market

Collaboration & Partnership Towards Net-Zero Emission Target by 2050.


To balance coating performance with environmental impact has always been a challenge in the industry. However, as technology advances and the demand for more sustainable coatings continues to increase, that balancing act has become ever more attainable.

Join us now at our 21st Asia Coatings Market summit to hear from coatings giants and other industry experts on the future market trends for different coating applications, supply and demand outlook & sustainability strategies, next growth markets, challenges and opportunities, plans on reducing carbon footprint along their value chain, new emerging technologies and many more.

Key Highlights:

  • Global Economic Outlook and Forecast
  • Coatings Markets Outlook in SE Asia, China, India
  • Coatings Producers & End-User’s Perspective on Coatings Trends in the Circular Economy
  • Bio-Based & Renewable Raw Materials Supply Outlook & Innovations
  • Global Titanium Dioxide Market Outlook
  • China’s restrictions on the use of iron oxide pigments and titanium dioxide – impact on coatings industry and what are the alternatives?
  • Closing the Loop on Paint Waste, Recycling and Waste Management Strategies
  • Focus sessions on – Bio-Based Coatings, Powder Coatings, Marine Coatings, Automotive Coatings, Architectural Coatings, Wood Coatings, Intumescent Paints, etc
And more.

For enquiries, contact grace@cmtsp.com.sg

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