Clothing is one of the three basic needs of humans. Since the primitive age, man has been using textile for clothing in the forms of sailcloth, tent, ropes and other protective garments. However, back then textile was used only for technical performance. Today, technology has become so advanced and adaptive that there are materials that sense and react accordingly to changes in environmental conditions or external stimuli, including thermal, mechanical, electrical and magnetic.
Introduction of smart textile is the era in technology that is still unexplored and for some, a new way to live their science-fiction fantasies. Smart textiles are fabrics that are designed to include technologies that offer the wearer with increased functionality. Increase in the standard of living, awareness of safety and environmentalism, and an expanding automotive sector have boosted the growth of the smart textile market. According to research firm Allied Market Research, the global smart textile market is expected to reach $5,369 million by 2022, at a compound annual growth rate of 28.4 per cent from 2016 to 2022.