Innovating to meet sustainability challenges

Swissmem looks at the ways in which eco-responsible Swiss textile machinery manufacturers have innovated amidst environmental concerns

Swissmem is the leading association for SMEs and large companies in Switzerland’s mechanical and electrical engineering (MEM) industries and related technology-oriented sectors.

Swissmem enhances the competitiveness of its 1100 or so member companies both at home and abroad by providing needs-based services. These services include professional advice on employment, commercial, contract and environmental law, energy efficiency and technology transfer. Swissmem operates a number of strong networks, including 27 specialist groups – the Swiss Textile Machinery Association is the oldest division, founded in 1940. It represents the interests of the Swiss textile machinery manufacturers.

In this article Swissmem looks at the ways in which eco-responsible Swiss textile machinery manufacturers have innovated amidst environmental concerns on energy and water consumption and chemical toxicity in textiles.

“Since antiquity, humans have been exploiting colour to enhance both our personal appearance and the world we live in. Dyed and printed textiles are a prime example, with a huge global colouration industry developing over the centuries. However, the massive consumption of water and energy required by many finishing processes, as well as the toxicity of some chemicals, has increasingly caused grave concern to environmentalists and the wider public. Conversely, responding to these worries has been the catalyst for innovation among eco-responsible companies in the Swiss Textile Machinery Association.

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