In this paper the whole list of nonwoven technologies existing in this world are summarised, Initially, web forming technologies are summarised followed by summarization of web bonding technologies. Then all the composite nonwoven technologies are summarised and then the bicomponent melt blown technology is mentioned FInally in conclusions the usefulness of the paper is stated.
A) Web forming technologies(product is nonwoven web)
1) Carding (parallel laid)(nonwoven fabric)
2) Carding (perpendicular laid)(nonwoven fabric)
3) Carding (cross laid)(nonwoven fabric)
4) Air laid (random opener)(nonwoven fabric)
5) Air laid (random card) (nonwoven fabric)
6) Air laid Technology(general)
7) Wet laid (nonwoven fabric)
8) Spun bond (nonwoven fabric)(lutravil)
9) Spun bond (nonwoven fabric)(docan)
10) Spun bond (nonwoven fabric) (flash spun tyvek)
11) Spun bond (nonwoven fabric) (Reicofil)
12) Spunbond (nonwoven fabric) (polyester spunbond)
13) Spunbond (general)
14) Melt Blown (nonwoven fabric)
B) Web bonding technologies(product is web bonded fabric)
15) Needlepunching (structuring) (nonwoven fabric)
16) Needlepunching (random velour) (nonwoven fabric)
17) Needlepunching (felting) (nonwoven fabric)
18) Needlepunching Technology(general)
19) Needlepunching(cross star working blade cross section)
20) Needlepunching line
21) Stitch bonding (general)
22) Stitch bonding (malimo)(nonwoven fabric)
23) Stitch bonding (maliwatt)(nonwoven fabric)
24) Stitch Bonding (arachne)(nonwoven fabric)
25) Stitch Bonding (voltex))(nonwoven fabric) 26) Stitch Bonding (malivlies)(nonwoven fabric)
27) Stitch Bonding (arabeva)(nonwoven fabric)
28) Stitch Bonding (araloop)(nonwoven fabric)
29) Stitch Bonding (malipol)(nonwoven fabric)
30) Stitch Bonding (malifol)(nonwoven fabric)
31) Stitch Bonding (araknit)(nonwoven fabric)
32) Hydroentangling (nonwoven fabric)
33) chemical bonding (saturation) (screen) (nonwoven fabric)
34) chemical bonding (saturation) (dip squeeze) (nonwoven fabric)
35) chemical bonding (saturation) (size press) (nonwoven fabric)
36) chemical bonding (spray) (nonwoven fabric)
37) chemical bonding (print) (nonwoven fabric)
38) chemical bonding (foam) (nonwoven fabric)
39) chemical bonding (powder) (nonwoven fabric)
40) Chemical Bonding (general)
41) chemical bonding saturated (horizontal padder)
42) chemical bonding saturated (vertical padder)
43) Thermal bonding (embossed calendar)(point)(nonwoven fabric)
44) Thermal bonding (embossed calendar)(stick) (nonwoven fabric)
45) thermal bonding (embossed calendar) (Grid) (nonwoven fabric)
46) Thermal bonding (flat calender)(area) (nonwoven fabric)
47) Thermal bonding (belt calendering)(nonwoven fabric)
48) Thermal bonding (thru air))(horizontal belt) (nonwoven fabric)
49) Thermal bonding (thru air))(rotary drum) (nonwoven fabric)
50) Thermal bonding (ultrasonic) (nonwoven fabric)
51) Thermal bonding (Radiant Heat) (Infra red) (nonwoven fabric)
C) Composite nonwoven technologies(product is composite nonwoven fabric)
52) Composite technologies (Blending of fibres) (nonwoven fabric)
53) composite technologies (Multi Forming) (multicard) (nonwoven fabric),
54) composite technologies (Multi Forming) (multi forming box air lay) (nonwoven fabric)
55) composite technologies (Multi Forming) (multi forming box wet lay) (nonwoven fabric)
56) composite technologies (Multi Forming) (multi beam spunbond) (SS) (nonwoven fabric)
57) composite technologies (Multi Forming) (multi beam spunbond) (SSS) (nonwoven fabric)
58) composite technologies (Multi Forming) (multi beam spunbond) (SSSS) (nonwoven fabric)
59) composite technologies (Multi Forming) (multi beam melt blown) (MMM) (nonwoven fabric)
60) composite technologies (Multi Forming) (combination of web forming) (SM) (nonwoven fabric)
61) composite technologies (Multi Forming) (combination of web forming) (SMS) (nonwoven fabric)
62) composite technologies (Multi Forming) (combination of web forming) (SMMS) (nonwoven fabric)
63) composite technologies (Multi Forming) (combination of web forming (SSMMMSS) (nonwoven fabric)
64) composite technologies (Multi Forming) (combination of web forming (SSMMS) (nonwoven fabric)
65) composite technologies (Multi Forming) (combination of web forming (COFORM) (nonwoven fabric)
66) composite technologies (Multi Forming) (other processes)(combination of web forming (nonwoven fabric)(PWS)
67) composite (Multi Forming) (other processes)(combination of web forming (nonwoven fabric)(CSC)
68) composite (Multi Forming) (other processes)(combination of web forming (nonwoven fabric)(SCS)
69) composite (Multi Forming) (other processes)(combination of web forming (nonwoven fabric)(SPS)
70) composite (Multi Forming) (other processes)(combination of web forming (nonwoven fabric)(CPC)
71) composite (Multi Forming) (other processes)(combination of web forming (nonwoven fabric)(CPS)
72) composite (MULTIBONDING)(hydroknit)) (nonwoven fabric)
73) composite (MULTIBONDING)(evolon)) (nonwoven fabric)
74) composite (Hybrid)(vaporweb)(nonwoven fabric)
75) composite (Hybrid)(nano fiber based)(nonwoven fabric)
76) composite (Laminated)(FLAME) (nonwoven fabric)
77) composite (Laminated) (HDPE) (nonwoven fabric)
78) composite (Particulate composite)(nonwoven fabric)
D) Bicomponent melt-blown technology(product is nonwoven fabric)
79) Bicomponent melt blown line (nonwoven fabric)
This paper will make the reader aware of all the nonwoven technologies (web forming + web bonding + composite nonwoven + bicomponent meltblown) existing in this world.