NEMO Names Partners for 2025

{February 13, 2025}—Dover, NH — The 2025 partner list for outdoor gear maker NEMO Equipment amply demonstrates the company’s ongoing emphasis on sustainability, innovation, and community. These important collaborations serve NEMO’s mission by emphasising activism, inclusion, access, and conservation. overarching efforts to get more folks outdoors and to create the next generation of stewards for our planet.

CONSERVATION The Conservation Alliance funds and promotes the preservation of North America’s wilderness areas and outdoor spaces by leveraging the strength of the corporate and outdoor communities. By virtue of its membership, the By preserving important landscapes and ecosystems, the Conservation Alliance promotes solutions that strike a balance between the interests of people, animals, the land, and the water. It also offers nature-based responses to climate change.

The Teddy Roosevelt Conservation Partnership seeks to ensure that every American has access to high-quality hunting and fishing grounds. America’s heritage of access, habitat, and protection is furthered by TRCP and its allies.

In addition, NEMO is still working with Backcountry Hunters & Anglers and the Southeast Land Trust of New Hampshire to preserve our public lands and streams so that people may enjoy them and animals can live in healthy environments.

The foremost corporate group promoting a robust and sustainable outdoor recreation industry for the good of all Americans is the ADVOCACY & GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS Outdoor Recreation Roundtable. ORR brings together government, business, and other interested parties to discuss, promote, and find answers to the most important problems affecting the outdoor recreation industry’s future.

NEMO also collaborates with groups like the American Apparel and Footwear Association, California Outdoor Recreation Partnership, European Outdoor Group, and Outdoor Industry Association to broaden its expertise and capacities in government relations.


The Outdoor Diversity Alliance is a coalition of companies and associations in the outdoor sector that are collaborating to create the sustainable, thriving, and pertinent outdoor sector of the future.

its social environment. ODA fosters the growth of outdoor businesses with a mission and the establishment of genuine connections with marginalised people.

A charitable organisation called Big City Mountaineers introduces young people from underserved areas to the outdoors. BCM offers youth in metropolitan locations around the nation free, professionally guided, fully equipped backpacking trips. Currently, BCM works with young people in six American cities, including Boston, MA; Minneapolis, MN; Denver, CO; San Francisco, CA; Seattle, WA; and Birmingham, AL. To support equitable access to outdoor adventures and increase diverse participation, NEMO also supports Bewilder, Black.Surfers, Confluence Collective, and Outdoors Empowered Network.

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