PEFerence highlights the PEF World Congress and announces

Following seven years of operation, the first commercial flagship plant producing furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA) at Chemie Park Delfzijl in the Netherlands has been completed. This is with great pleasure that the twelve partners of the Horizon 2020 project PEFerence announce. October 22, 2024, is when the formal opening ceremony is scheduled to occur.

PEFerence will co-host the inaugural PEF World Congress, which will take place in Düsseldorf, Germany on October 30-31, 2024, to coincide with this momentous occasion. The conference, which is being organized by Renewable Carbon Plastics, will provide a global forum for talking about cutting-edge uses for FDCA and polyethylene furanoate (PEF), as well as industry trends and PEF’s future.

Plant-based FDCA, a crucial component of many different compounds and polymers such polyamides, coatings, plasticizers, and, most significantly, PEF (PolyEthyleneFuranoate), is produced at the 5-kiloton new FDCA flagship plant. PEF, a polyester derived entirely from plants, finds widespread usage in many applications such as textile fibers, flexible films, and bottles. Similar to PET, PEF is a polyester but entirely plant-based. Its remarkable mechanical and barrier qualities allow it to be lightweight, prolong the shelf life of packaged goods, and reduce carbon emissions by at least 65%. Moreover, PEF is ideal for recycling without sacrificing its worth or quality, allowing for completely circular solutions.

The flagship facility’s critical importance in accelerating the shift to a circular European bioeconomy is emphasized by Ed de Jong of Avantium, the PEFerence project coordinator: “The opening of this flagship plant is a pivotal moment for PEFerence and the bioplastics industry as a whole.” PEF is a material of the future since it provides a special performance profile and a sustainable substitute for conventional plastics.”The PEFerence project is excited to contribute to the PEF World Congress, which will bring together academics, developers, and users of PEF and its building blocks, FDCA and HMF, to explore industry trends, developments, and applications. He goes on to say this about the conference. The conference will be a priceless chance to present the project’s advancement and provide fantastic networking chances to hasten the adoption of this cutting-edge, sustainable material.”

In order to host the First PEF World Congress, PEFerence is assisting Renewable Carbon Plastics. Top-notch presentations from industry professionals spanning the whole value chain will highlight PEF, hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), and FDCA, along with applications and end-of-life solutions, at this worldwide conference. Additionally, the concurrent table-top display will offer fantastic chances for networking. The two-day hybrid conference is scheduled for October 30 and 31, 2024, in Düsseldorf, Germany.

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