RMG export thrives navigating complexities (July-February FY2023-24)

In terms of fiscal year, RMG export in July-February 2023-24 reached US$ 32.86 billion with a yer-over-year growth of 4.77%. This may be noted that the growth during July-December 2023-24 fiscal was 1.72%, so the deceleration in growth is improving as growth in recent months started accelerating.

Further to note that, RMG export in January 2024 reached all time high in a ‘single month’ export criteria, while the export in February 2024 is also the highest ever compared to any February in our RMG export history. This is certainly a significant and inspiring turnaround for us, as the industry struggling to stay on course facing numerous challenges in both local and international fronts.

Bangladesh’s export earning from the RMG alone reached 85.45% in July-February 2023-24, for January-February 2024 the share is even higher, i.e. 86.74%. These remarkable figures are testament to the commendable resilience and adaptability of Bangladeshi entrepreneurs.


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