September 1, 2024, New Delhi: The textile sector is undergoing a sea change as it deals with a never-before-seen onslaught of sustainability standards from international markets such as the EU and changing domestic laws. With its first event, the Confederation of Indian Textile Industry (CITI) is rising to the occasion. The Environmental, Social, and Governance (MDP-ESG) Management Development Program was created to give managers in the sector the skills and information they need to handle this changing environment. The three-day event, which was hosted at Mumbai’s Bombay Textile Research Association (BTRA), became a hotbed for dynamic discussions, innovative ideas, and strategic insights. Industry leaders, academics, and experts converged to dissect the pressing ESG challenges facing the textile sector, from sustainability reporting to circular economy practices.
An Appeal for Sustainability
Ms. Chandrima Chatterjee, Secretary General of CITI, gave the opening address for the program, laying the groundwork for a momentous occasion that would impact the industry going forward. Chairman of CITI, Shri Rakesh Mehra took the stage, highlighting the potential and challenges that come with meeting compliances with sustainability. “Sustainability is more than merely supplying the current demands without jeopardizing future generations’ capacity to fulfill their own needs,” Mehra said. “It concerns implementing a comprehensive strategy that incorporates social justice, economic prosperity, and environmental defense.
Other notable guests who expressed their thoughts on how the industry may adjust to these new needs, such as Dr. Siddhartha Rajagopalan, Executive Director of TEXPROCIL, and Shri Sunil Patwari, Chairman of TEXPROCIL, echoed this opinion.
Crucial Realizations and Innovative Conversations
The program’s core was its technical seminars, which delved deeply into the intricacies of ESG. fusion. Under the guidance of professionals such as Ms., participants examined environmental sustainability on Day 1. International Labour Organization (ILO) official Bharti Birla with RRMA and IIM representatives Mumbai.
Important subjects including chemical compliance, life cycle assessment, and sustainable water management were covered in the seminars, giving participants a thorough grasp of how to reduce the environmental impact of the company.
On Day 2, advanced talks were facilitated by Mr. Mukesh Garg from Monash University, who contrasted Australian and Indian ESG procedures. The significance of considering a product’s whole lifespan in the design process was emphasized during sessions on sustainable governance and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). keeping in mind, a strategy that the EU plans to make mandatory by 2025. The last day’s focus was on international norms and human rights, with Partners specialists Ms. Jhumki Dutta and Mr. Pradeep Narayanan in Change, facilitating discussions on the National Guidelines on Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting; on Responsible Business Conduct (NGRBC) (BRSR). Participants engaged in hands-on group activities, mapping factory environments, and evaluating social risks, underscoring the need for a thorough integration of human rights into industry practices.
The event came to an end with a certificate distribution ceremony, which was presided over by Ms. Roop Rashi, the textile commissioner and chief guest. She praised CITI’s effort in her keynote speech and advocated for
A magnificent conclusion with a future outlook
cooperative attempts to make it easier for MSMEs in particular to report on ESG compliances make sure that everyone can access sustainability. Prominent specialists such as Mr. Vinod Jain, VP of at Indo-Count Industries, contributed more dimension to the conversations by providing their viewpoints on the route in front of you. Following the great success of the first MDP-ESG, CITI is already organizing the following session in Bangalore, demonstrating its dedication to steering the textile sector in the direction of a sustainable and fair future.