Wazir Textile and Apparel Index Report

Wazir Textile index (WTI)
  • WTI Sales index declined by 2% in 9M FY24 compared to 9M FY23
  • WTI EBITDA index declined by 19% in 9M FY24 compared to 9M FY23
  • Consolidated Sales of selected top textile companies declined by 2% in 9M FY24 compared to 9M FY23
  • Consolidated EBITDA margin declined by 2% in 9M FY24 compared to 9M FY23
Wazir Apparel Index (WAI)
  • WAI Sales index increased by 3% in 9M FY24 compared to 9M FY23
  • WAI EBITDA index declined by 27% in 9M FY24 compared to 9M FY23
  • Consolidated Sales of selected top apparel companies has declined by 5% in 9M FY24 compared to 9M FY23
  • Consolidated EBIDTA margin remained unchanged in 9M FY24 compared to 9M FY23
  • Consolidated sales for all listed textile and apparel companies increased by 5% in Q3 FY24 compared to Q3 FY23
  • Consolidated EBITDA for all listed textile and apparel companies increased by 1% in Q3 FY24 compared to Q3 FY23


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